Modifying operator habits to increase efficiency is one of the applications where gplink can significantly help commercial vessel customers. A gplink ferry customer recently asked us for assistance with changing actions that were causing higher fuel consumption for their fleet. In this situation, the ferries push the dock when unloading and loading. Typically, the ferries were exceeding the recommended RPM at the dock, thereby increasing fuel consumption. Also for safety and compliance reasons, they wanted to identify this operating behavior real-time, so they could alert captains immediately that the ferry was operating out of standard operating guidelines and to scale back.
To help the ferry operator manage this initiative, gplink created a custom alert which sent a text message to the fleet manager when any vessel operated at more than 1500 RPM while moving less than 1 knot in a designated geofence for a ferry stop. The end result of the fleet manager notifying captains as alerts were issued was indeed significant fuel savings, and higher safety & compliance measures deployed. Mission Accomplished!